How to use Anti-burglar mode with Revogi Smart Meter Plug?
If you set your Smart Meter to the anti-burglar mode, it will randomly turn on and off the device plugged into it within the period defined by you.
e.g. Put your lamp to work and randomly turn on and off when you are on vacation, giving an impression that someone is home.iOS system
Tap on the “pencil” on the top left corner →Tap on the device you would like to set into this mode→Tap on the “Anti-burglar mode” →Turn the device on, set the time and Save.
Android system:
Long pressthe device that you would like to use the feature→Tap on the Settings→Tap on theAnti-burglar mode→Turn the device on and Set the rule and Save
* The Anti-burglar mode can only be set to a single unit at a time.