If you would like to differentiate several Smart Meter Plug you have in your home or your simply just want to change the name of your device shown in the app simply follow these steps: iOS system Tap on the “pencil” on the top left corner →Tap on the device you would like to rename→Tap on the “Name” to change the name of the plug and then then Tap “OK”. IMG_0084     IMG_0085   Android system: Long press the bulb that you would like to rename→Tap on Settings→ enter the “Device Settings” page  and rename your device. android long press   QQ图片20150921163501 ***Tip: You can rename your device to where it is located, e.g.: "Bedroom", "Kitchen", or to what device is currently plugged into the Smart Meter e.g.: "Printer", "Lamp"  

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